IVF Support
How acupuncture can help
How acupuncture helps the uterus and ovaries
By increasing blood flow to pelvic organs and helps thicken your uterine lining
Reducing uterine contractions
Reduction in oxidative stress that may effect egg and sperm quality
Increases ovarian response to stimulation
How acupuncture helps the sympathetic nervous system
By balancing out your body’s natural immune system response (cytokines)
Help to improve sleep quality and quantity which helps to reduce your inflammatory response
Reduces anxiety and cortisol levels caused by stress and increase in adrenaline
Acupuncture In egg collection
Acupuncture helps ovaries to respond well to ovarian stimulation. It also helps with post egg collection by reducing the swelling, pain and contracting experienced.
Acupuncture in embryo transfer
Studies have shown acupuncture done on the day of transfer significantly increases your chances of conceiving (up to 20% increase). Paula recommends acupuncture done on the day of transfer, before and after. The most benefit, that has been noted in studies around acupuncture and IVF, is consistent acupuncture done 2-3 months prior to transfer.